View from Federal Hill Park

View from Federal Hill Park
The fantastic skyline as seen from just down the street.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Long time no write...

I know I have been more than a bit tardy in posting to my blog. It has been a very rough few months.

Our former assistant has left us. Claudette resigned just before the Thanksgiving holiday, leaving us scrambling to find help and coverage for several holiday events, not to mention a new assistant for the long term.

Happily, after a fairly gray period, things are looking so very much brighter. We have found a fantastic assistant who loves to learn, asks plenty of questions, and is excited each and every day she comes to work. She is still learning, but her career here looks very promising indeed.

Not having our normal cook in the kitchen has caused my partner Jeff and I to re-look at everything and we are experimenting much more in the kitchen. We are much more energized now and finding that the B&B feels a lot more like it is ours than as if we are taking care of it for the former owners.

We are creating some fun new marketing, packages, adding itineraries to the website, etc. all to go along with Visit Baltimore's Theme for the 2010 Tourism year: Find Your Happy Baltimore!

I'd love to hear your ideas and thoughts on this as well. What are some of your happiest of places in our great city?

Looking forward to the Happy!

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